The recent ISO 20387 standard

is the international standard for quality management systems dedicated to biobanking activities.

>> First in a private medical establishment

On 20 March 2020, Euro-Quality System delivered the first ISO 20387 certification in France, to a private medical establishment, the CRB of the Jean Dausset Foundation. Double certification with also the ISO 9001 standard.

>> First in a public medical establishment

On the 24th of May, we delivered the first certification in a University Hospital Centre according to ISO 20387 to the CRB of the CHU of Montpellier. Triple certification with also ISO 9001 and NF S96-900.

>> First for a private provider

On 8 December 2020, we confirmed our national leadership in the field of certification of biobanks and research units managing collections, with the first ISO 20387 certification of a (private) provider of biological resources hosting. The LinBox company has been certified according to the following standards: ISO 9001, NF S96-900 and ISO 20387.


This third certification according to ISO 20387, allows to perpetuate the progress of the quality process of the French BRCs with a certification applicable to the different structures of Biobanks.

With nearly one hundred sites certified for the quality management of biological resources according to ISO 9001, NF S96-900 or ISO 20387. Euro-Quality System is proud to participate in the development and impartial recognition of the quality of the know-how of French biobanks.