Site editor EQS
Legal status: SARL
Share capital: 7 623 €
RCS: 415 103 043
SIRET: 415 103 043 00055
Code APE: 7120B
TVA intracommunautaire: FR 55 415 103 043
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Centre opérationnel
14, Avenue de l’Europe
Regus – Etage 3
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Persons in charge for the drafting: Christian Stiévenart, Bernard Bouchard.
Website conception: EG Matho
Site host EQS
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140, quai du Sartel
Tel : 08.99 70.17.61
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Area of professional activity
EQS certifications - since 1990
14, Avenue de l’Europe
Regus - Etage 3
77144 Montévrain
Tel : 00 33 160 428 948